От: CommunicationsSociety@comsoc.org
Отправлено: 28 июля 2005 г. 4:09
Кому: WCNC2005cfp@comsoc.org
Тема: IEEE WCNC: Important Call for Participation Announcement!

Sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, IEEE WCNC 2006 continues as the premier wireless event for industry research and design professionals interested to stay at the forefront of development and deployment of wireless technologies.  WCNC program attributes include the best tutorial, research and industry-oriented technical content on terrestrial wireless communication in all its forms; including the entire spectrum of technologies from Physical layer issues to Networking issues and Services and Applications.

IEEE WCNC 2006 seeks original contributions of papers encompassing 3G/B3G systems, WMAN, WLAN, WPAN, WBAN, broadband satellite systems, broadband fixed wireless systems, ad hoc and sensor networks.  Tutorial and Technology / Business Applications Panel proposals are also sought.

Submission deadline:  1 September 2005
For further details and/or a complete listing of topical tracks and submission instructions, please visit:  www.ieee-wcnc.org

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